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Open data
Rīga municipality lands

Municipality of the city of Rīga:

  1. Owned land units registered in the Land Register;
  2. Land units under the jurisdiction for which decisions have been made by the Rīga City Council regarding their jurisdiction to the Rīga City Municipality;
  3. Partly owned functionally related land units of residential buildings transferred for privatisation.
Please note!
  • Any re-use of data must be subject to license conditions.
  • Frequency of renewal: irregular.

Land units owned by municipality of the city of Rīga, registered in the Land Register (SHP)
Land units owned by municipality of the city of Rīga, registered in the Land Register (GPKG)
Land units owned by municipality of the city of Rīga, registered in the Land Register (DXF)
Land units owned by municipality of the city of Rīga, registered in the Land Register (KML)

Land units under the jurisdiction for which decisions have been made by the Rīga City Council regarding their jurisdiction to the municipality of the city of Rīga (SHP)
Land units under the jurisdiction for which decisions have been made by the Rīga City Council regarding their jurisdiction to the municipality of the city of Rīga (GPKG)
Land units under the jurisdiction for which decisions have been made by the Rīga City Council regarding their jurisdiction to the municipality of the city of Rīga (DXF)
Land units under the jurisdiction for which decisions have been made by the Rīga City Council regarding their jurisdiction to the municipality of the city of Rīga (KML)

Functionally related land of residential houses partly owned or under the jurisdiction of the municipality and transferred for privatisation (SHP)
Functionally related land of residential houses partly owned or under the jurisdiction of the municipality and transferred for privatisation (GPKG)
Functionally related land of residential houses partly owned or under the jurisdiction of the municipality and transferred for privatisation (DXF)
Functionally related land of residential houses partly owned or under the jurisdiction of the municipality and transferred for privatisation (KML)


NosaukumsRīgas valstspilsētas pašvaldībai piederošās un piekritīgās zemes vienības
AprakstsRīgas valstspilsētas pašvaldībai (turpmāk – RVPP): 1. piederošās zemes vienības, kas ierakstītas zemesgrāmatā; 2. piekritīgās zemes vienības, par kurām pieņemti Rīgas domes lēmumi par piekritību RVPP; 3. daļēji piederošās privatizācijai nodoto dzīvojamo māju funkcionāli saistītās zemes vienības.
TipsDatu kopa
AtslēgvārdiZemes vienības
Rīgas valstspilsētas pašvaldība
Piederošās zemes
Piekritīgās zemes
Dzīvojamo māju funkcionāli saistītā zeme
Izmantotā vārdnīcaGEMET – INSPIRE themes
Ģeogrāfiskais izgriezumsW: 23.9212 E: 24.3416 N: 57.0972 S: 56.8503
Laika tvērums
Publicēšanas datums2020-11-12
Datu izcelsmeRDVIS lietojumprogrammas NEKIP dati
Piekļuves un lietošanas nosacījumi1. Dati pieejami visiem interesentiem
2. Maksa par datiem netiek piemērota
3. Nepieciešams saņemt datu izmantošanas atļauju atbilstoši 30.08.2011. MK noteikumiem Nr. 673 “Ģeotelpisko datu kopas izmantošanas noteikumu obligātais saturs un izmantošanas atļaujas saņemšanas kārtība”
Publiskās piekļuves ierobežojumiIerobežojumu nav
ĪpašnieksRīgas valstspilsētas pašvaldība,
AutorsĪpašuma departaments,
KontaktpunktsĪpašuma departamenta Administratīvās pārvaldes Informācijas vadības nodaļa,

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