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What kind of community center do you want to see in Rīga?

The community center is an inclusive, versatile and open place for every resident of the neighborhood and community. The community center is a place where all kinds of residents can meet to spend their free time together, discuss issues that are relevant to them, receive and provide support, as well as create, do and learn in cooperation with others.

A community center has defined functions, operating principles and division of responsibilities among its various users. It provides residents with leisure opportunities, increases residents’ participation, social activity and sense of belonging to the community, improves the self-organization skills of community center visitors, promotes a sense of responsibility for their actions and the environment, develops a network of informal social support, and promotes volunteer work.

Riga municipality is currently developing the concept of community centers and this survey is conducted with the aim of finding out the opinions of residents about possible community centers in Riga and their willingness to visit them.

The project took place in two phases:

  • Survey
  • Survey summary


185 respondents took part in the survey, of which 112 respondents filled out the questionnaires on the web-site and 73 questionnaires were filled out in writing. When expressing their opinion, survey participants in all questions had the opportunity to indicate several answer options from those offered, as well as to choose to give their own answer option in some questions.

The community center is an inclusive, versatile and open place for every resident of the neighborhood and community. The community center is a place where all kinds of residents can meet to spend their free time together, to discuss their current issues, to receive and provide support, as well as to create, do and learn in cooperation with others.

Residents were invited to share their thoughts on what facilities, in their opinion, would be most important to provide in such centers, how work should be organized in them, and what would be important to make a visit to the center pleasant.

The received answers will be used to develop the concept of Rīga community centers by the end of the year.

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